2023 on Track for Hottest Year on Record!

This chart shows global average surface air temperatures for each September from 1940 to 2023. Look at the anomalies from 2009 to 2023 with a fast spike in record-breaking heat.

Greetings! This past September broke all temperature records around the world. More evidence climate change is tightening its grip on all of us. Samantha Burgess, Deputy Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said, “The unprecedented temperatures for the time of year observed in September – following a record summer – have broken records by an extraordinary amount. This extreme month has pushed 2023 into the dubious honor of first place – on track to be the warmest year and around 1.4 degrees Celsius above preindustrial average temperatures. Two months out from COP28 – the sense of urgency for ambitious climate action has never been more critical.”

Below are 2023 stats on our warmest September on records …

  • September 2023 was the warmest September on record globally, with an average surface air temperature of 16.38°C, 0.93°C above the 1991-2020 average for September and 0.5°C above the temperature of the previous warmest September, in 2020.  
  • September 2023 global temperature was the most anomalous warm month of any year in the ERA5 dataset (back to 1940).  
  • The month as a whole was around 1.75°C warmer than the September average for 1850-1900, the preindustrial reference period.  
  • The global temperature for January-September 2023 was 0.52°C higher than average, and 0.05°C higher than the equivalent period in the warmest calendar year (2016).  
  • For January to September 2023, the global mean temperature for 2023 to date is 1.40°C higher than the preindustrial average (1850-1900). 
  • For Europe, September 2023 was the warmest September on record, at 2.51°C higher than the 1991-2020 average, and 1.1°C higher than 2020, the previous warmest September.  
  • The average sea surface temperature for September over 60°S–60°N reached 20.92°C, the highest on record for September and the second highest across all months, behind August 2023. 
  • El Niño conditions continued to develop over the equatorial eastern Pacific.

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): September 2023 – unprecedented temperature anomalies; 2023 on track to be the warmest year on record

September 2023 – Surface air temperature and sea surface temperature highlights: 

Global daily surface air temperatures (in Celsius) from January 1, 1940 to September 30, 2023. You can observe the anomaly of 2023 in the bright red line.   Data source: ERA5. Credit: Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF. 

September 2023 – Sea ice highlights 

This graph shows the daily Antarctic sea ice extent from 1979 to September 2023. The year 2023 is displayed as the thick black line. Notice it shows the record low level of sea ice for this time of year. Data source: EUMETSAT OSI SAF Sea Ice Index v2.2. Credit: Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF/EUMETSAT. 
  • Antarctic sea ice extent remained at a record low level for the time of year.  
  • Both the daily and monthly extents reached their lowest annual maxima in the satellite record in September, with the monthly extent 9% below average.  
  • The daily Arctic sea ice extent reached its 6th lowest annual minimum while the monthly sea ice extent ranked 5th lowest, at 18% below average.  

As you can see, graphic evidence easily shows the major effect climate change is having on our world.

Here’s an Excellent Way to Talk to Kids with “Soft Facts”about Climate Change

One awesome tool for talking to kids about climate change is to read my fourth installment in the award-winning Kobee Manatee® Children’s Educational Picture Book series. It’s titled, Kobee Manatee® Climate Change and The Great Blue Hole HazardIt contains “soft facts” about climate change and plastic pollution in our oceans.

Kobee Manatee Climate Change and The Great Blue Hole Hazard – (Lexile Measure:790L)

When you read this award-winning educational picture book to children, it’s a fun and fictional adventure loaded with weaved in “soft facts” on climate change and plastic pollution. This quickly helps children learn about this serious subject in a fun and entertaining way. Here’s a brief synopsis …

Kobee Manatee, the protagonist and his seafaring pals, Tess the seahorse and Pablo the hermit crab swim from the Cayman Islands to Belize. Kobee wants to help his cousin Quinn clean up plastic litter at her new, all-veggie underwater bistro called Quinn’s Seagrass Café.

On their Caribbean journey they encounter harmful effects of climate change and plastic pollution. As if that wasn’t enough, several other unforeseen problems occur with a distressed loggerhead turtle, a giant Portuguese man-of-war, and a venomous scorpionfish. They’re all amazed when they discover the extraordinary Great Blue Hole. Then their adventure takes another crazy turn when Pablo plunges into its huge abyss!

Each page includes in-depth, scientific details on climate change and plastic pollution in our oceans with Dr. Tracy FanaraNOAA Research Scientist (aka Inspector Planet). Tracy can be seen on The Weather Channel as a visiting expert and she’s also seen on their “Weird Earth” segments.

We have Fantastic Reviews on this New Release!

“I read the book to my 6-year-old this morning while he was having his breakfast before school and he loved it! We talked about the characters, what it meant for the pollution to be in the oceans for all the sea creatures, and how fun the story was. Thank you so much for writing such a great story for kids that is not only entertaining, but has a message!” – Jessica Vilchis, Co-Host KNBC California Live

“A well-crafted, thoughtful, and well-illustrated addition to a noteworthy educational book series.” Kirkus Reviews

“Robert Scott Thayer presents an important environmental message in an engaging story with wonderful characters. Anyone who loves the ocean and wants to help save it should read Kobee Manatee: Climate Change and The Great Blue Hole Hazard. I’m looking forward to the next Kobee Manatee adventure.”   Readers’ Favorite

For young readers who enjoy imaginative tales surrounding affable and heroic sea creatures, as well as parents and/or teachers looking for a way to introduce youngsters to the importance of marine conservation, Kobee Manatee® Climate Change and The Great Blue Hole Hazard offers a perfect blend. Highly recommended– Chanticleer Book Reviews

Keep watching for more of my updates on climate change!

If you see any sick or injured manatees, please call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at: 1-888-404-3922 (FWCC). They are the folks who are responsible for rescuing us in Florida.

Here’s the Save the Manatee Club link to learn more about us manatees …


Here’s a cool link for you to learn more about how we’re rescued and brought into rehabilitation …


~ Robert Scott Thayer

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